Version 1 of the Mannyverse.

See if you can be the first to unlock all it's secrets...

Go to full screen (bottom right) after logging in with your wallet.

I am a solo dev who loves and appreciate all donations! <3

Obsitnik.eth (0x8F4359D1C2166452b5e7a02742D6fe9ca5448FDe)

Reach out on Twitter to say Hi!  @spencerobsitnik


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shout out to who ever won the eth pot

proud to be a manny holder

really dope. I am so excited where this manny will be in the next 2 years 

So, you actually need a wallet to do anything? Because I don't have any yet, not sure if I feel like owning one ;-) Now just walking, jumping and punching around a bit. The model looks really good though! Moves perfectly. Only when starting the punching sequence my manny jumps a few pixels, making it feel like a fixed animation.